《中国与拉美》(China and Latin America)是由教育部“国别和区域研究培育基地”西南科技大学拉美研究中心主办的一份旨在推动有关拉美(是对“拉丁美洲与加勒比海地区的简称”,下同)研究的学术性辑刊。着重刊登体现“中国在拉美”和“拉美在中国”两个面向的相关社会科学与人文学科研究成果。该刊实行同行评议,力争提升期刊的学术水准。辑刊每年出版两辑,每辑有相对集中的主题,刊登专业论文,并设有常规栏目“特邀论文”、“访谈”和“书评”等,但也可以根据主题的需要刊登田野笔记、对话/笔谈等形式的文章,全面展示拉美研究的新成果。
China and Latin America
China and Latin America (abbr. CLA), or《中国与拉美》in Chinese, is a newly founded peer-reviewed journal in China for research in Latin America. The journal aims to reflect the presence of China/ese in Latin America and vice versa, the presence of Latin Americans in China, from full range of social sciences and humanities, such as history, culture, economy, politics, geography and international relations. The journal in particular encourages studies based on anthropological fieldwork. Multidisciplinary work defining and proposing new areas of research and debate is especially welcome. Regular features include articles on contemporary themes, specially commissioned commentaries and interviews, and an extensive section of book reviews.
The journal is funded by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies of Southwest University of Science and Technology (SWUST) in Mianyang, Sichuan Province. The Center is sponsored by the program in Regional and Country Research of China’s Ministry of Education. The journal is issued twice a year in hard-copy format.