发布时间:2024-11-21   浏览次数:10


       编者注:为加强中巴两国青年学生的交流与对话,在西南科技大学拉美研究中心Tatiana Molina教授(巴西籍)协调和支持下,对中国研究感兴趣的巴西青年学生积极发表他们对中国及中巴合作的认识和理解。第一篇巴西学生看中国和中巴合作的文章已于2024年11月19日发布,本文为第二篇文章,这两篇文章都是由杨傲雪同学完成翻译工作。在此,编者特别向两位作者Matheus Canedo和Rômulo Cardoso、以及译者杨傲雪表示感谢!

       The author of this article is Rômulo Cardoso,an International Relations undergraduate student of the Institute ofStrategic Studies at the Fluminense Federal University (INEST/UFF - Brazil) andinternship of Center for Studies on Contemporary China and Asia (CEA-NEA).



       11月19日,巴西交通部与Space Sail公司签署了一系列聚焦于互联互通和数字经济领域的协议,旨在深化中巴关系,并推动能源转型、基础设施建设、工业发展以及包容性和可持续增长等关键领域的合作。此外,双方还签订了旨在扩大巴西咖啡对Luckin Coffee出口的合作协议。预计未来五年,中国将向巴西采购高达24万吨的咖啡豆。出席此次活动的有巴西副总统兼工业发展部部长杰拉尔多·阿尔克明(Geraldo Alckmin)、Apex-Brasil总裁豪尔赫·维亚纳(Jorge Viana)以及Luckin Coffee首席执行官郭晋义。



G20 second day

       After the G20 meetings, President Xi Jinping isscheduled to travel to Brasília on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, where he willbe received by Lula at the Palácio da Alvorada. The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen bilateral Sino-Brazilianagreements. This year marks 50 years of Sino-Brazilian relations in 2024.China, in turn, is Brazil’s largest trade partner and a key ally within theBRICS group. The Brazilian government’s decision to host the Chinese presidentafter the G20 underscores its intention to further solidify the ties that havebeen developing since Lula’s inauguration.

      On Tuesday, November 19, the Brazilian Ministry of Communications signedagreements on connectivity and the digital economy with the company Space Sail.These agreements aim to strengthen areas such as energy transition,connectivity, industrial development, and inclusive and sustainable growthwithin Sino-Brazilian relations. Additionally, partnerships were signed toexpand Brazilian coffee exports to Luckin Coffee. Vice President and Ministerof MDIC Geraldo Alckmin, Apex-Brasil President Jorge Viana, and Luckin CoffeeCEO Jinyi Guo participated in the event. It is estimated that 240,000 tons ofBrazilian coffee beans will be purchased between 2025 and 2029.

     Finally, during President Xi Jinping's state visit, six agreements relatedto the export of agricultural products will be signed, which are already at anadvanced stage of negotiation.

These agreements demonstrate a strong commitment to strengtheningSino-Brazilian relations, not only in trade but also in cultural exchanges,thereby fostering a solid and robust partnership between the two countries andenhancing the friendship that has been cultivated over the years.