Matheus Canedo:International Relations undergraduate studentof the Institute of Strategic Studies at the Fluminense Federal University(INEST/UFF - Brazil) and internship of Center for Studies on Contemporary Chinaand Asia (CEA-NEA).
在文化领域,双方签署了一份关于视听行业的谅解备忘录,旨在促进联合制作和加强技术交流。巴西文化部长玛格丽特·梅内塞斯(Margareth Menezes)与中国传媒集团的慎海雄共同签署了这一合作协议,进一步加深了两国间的文化联系。
值得一提的是,自17日(星期日)起,来自巴西各地的华人团体纷纷涌向里约热内卢,为习近平主席一行献上了一场热烈的欢迎仪式。他们分别聚集在科帕卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana)和弗拉门戈公园(Aterro do Flamengo)等地,挥舞着中巴两国的国旗以及庆祝中巴友谊的横幅,场面热烈非凡。
Agreements and strategic alliance in China-Brazilrelations
The week of the G20 Summitgot off to an invigorating start for Sino-Brazilian relations, which arecelebrating 50 years of cooperation. On the very first day, the 18th, Braziland China made two strategic commitments in the areas of energy and culture, aswell as announcing future agreements related to agribusiness.
In culture, a memorandumof understanding was signed in the audiovisual sector, focusing on jointproductions and technical exchanges. The partnership was signed by CultureMinister Margareth Menezes and Shen Haixiong, from the China Media Group,strengthening cultural ties between the two countries.
In the electricity sector,a strategic alliance was established with the signing of a memorandum ofunderstanding involving 16 companies and research institutions from bothcountries. The partnership seeks to promote the development of clean andrenewable energy, decarbonization and the modernization of electrical systems.The memorandum highlights the participation of Brazilian institutions, such asthe Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and the University of São Paulo (USP),and Chinese institutions, such as Tsinghua University and the State GridEconomic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd.
As an additionalcuriosity, since Sunday 17th, groups of Chinese from all over Brazil havetraveled to Rio de Janeiro and organized a warm welcome for President XiJinping and his entourage. They distributed themselves in strategic locations,such as Copacabana and Aterro do Flamengo, waving Chinese and Brazilian flagsand banners celebrating Sino-Brazilian friendship.